Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to save the world in 17 different ways. UN Sustainable Development Goals

We’ve all heard it before, the world is coming to an end, not necessarily in an apocalyptic way, but due to our own faults. It could be because of inequality, oppression, terrorism, war, climate change, or corruption amongst many many other reasons we can conjure of. It’s maybe even sadder that no one wants to do anything about it and even for those who do, do not know how to make a difference. We become apathetic and desensitized and let inaction guide our actions. While countries across the world suffer, others benefit and nothing seems to be changing. And because of this, we have ultimately accepted our faith in humanity to die in crashing burning flames.

But you didn’t come here to read this. You came to see if there’s something that can be done, what is being done, and what can be changed to motivate yourself. September 25th to the 27th 2015, marks a momentous day in history and you probably didn’t even know it.

ICSD conference I presented at
regarding the UN Sustainable Development Goals
That was the day all the countries in the world collective decided to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to attempt to solve the world’s problems. Yes, you read that right. We decided to try and solve world problems collectively. During the UN General Assembly during that weekend, the countries decided to take up another 15 years effort (the first 15 years being the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which expired 2015). What are these problems in the world, you may ask? Well, I’ll reverse the question onto you. What do you perceive to be world problems? Poverty? Climate change? Inequality? War? 

Well, 17 goals that were signed on by all the countries aim to solve all these and more.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, being a special advisor to both the MDGs and SDGs gathered the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) which aims to bring the world of academia and practice together. My personal plug here – I presented at this conference. High profile people included UN delegates and Presidents from the Global North and South to discuss the issues and solutions to achieving these 17 goals.

Why is this important? In case we’re not completely aware, the world can use a lot of work - even if it isn't going to end. These are “sustainable” goals, aimed toward creating a better world. And you are part of this world.

How do you do it?

I presented at the SDG side event for ICSD
put together by Jeff Sachs
But how can one person, an individual, make a change and contribute to these goals? If we begin to look around at our daily life and what we can do, small actions can go a long way. Purchasing your food from organic farmers, for example, at your local farmers market (just google it, you’ll find some). Reading labels and know where and what you’re buying. Start asking questions, trace back a single purchase; where does my clothing come from? Who makes it? How much are they paid? What are their conditions? What can be done to make it better?  

Become more educated, aware, and conscious of social conditions. The more we become aware of our purchasing habits the more we realize the consequences of these purchases.

How can someone further contribute to saving the world? Go to the SDG website, find a nongovernmet organization NGO that are trying to fulfill the targets that contribute to these 17 goals. Reach out to contact them and participate.

Your inaction will only further perpetuate everything you hate about the world. 

There’s not much time left. Go take action.

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