Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Everest Trek - Day 13

Heading up Lobuche, 2nd attempt
Day 13 - Push for the summit

"Wake up Didi!" Won shouted. Didi meant sister in Sherpa. He shouted at Christa.

"We're up! We're up!" Ian responded back.

It got real the second time the alarm went off a
nd our guides smacking and banging our tent. Christa cursed her AMS and Ian tore out of his sleeping bag... and then cursed his AMS.

We were both exhausted from lack of sleep, hiking all day the previous day and can't stomach much food the whole time. Hot food was placed infront of us. Copious amounts. There was no way we could've eaten any of that. Christa downed her hot chocolate but left most the food. It was still hard to eat. Ian munched a bit more oats but couldn't finish everything.

Boots were laboriously put on and tied. Headlamps, check. Layers, check. Harnesses, check. AMS, check.

We started trudging through the depths of the night with a very narrow focus of light beam. The rocks slipped under our feet and gave way. 3 steps up, 2 steps down. Ian looks forward to the bigger boulders and ice sheets on the mountain. The going will go faster that way.

Heavy set breathing kicked in immediately. The AMS and fatigue was already pressing down. We had barely began. First rest stop seemed miles away. Then the rests became more frequent.

"We're retreating" Christa turned to Ian. "I"m far too exhausted for this climb. We haven't slept or eaten in the past 3 days."

And with that the team retreats to get some real energy for the actual climb.

We had climbed for 2 hours. Took another hour and half to retreat. We collapse in the tent as the sun peaked out of the sky.


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