Monday, June 1, 2015

Mad Max: Feminism Road

Let's be frank. I'm a guy. When I heard Mad Max was coming out and saw the trailer for it, there was no way I was going to not see this movie; especially in pursuit of Imax 3D, because let's face it, if this movie was made to be visually appealing as a priority, you don't want to skimp on the cinematic. Suddenly Facebook feed was littered with pro fesminist Mad Max. 

It started with the tumblr blog. I rolled my eyes on the pro feminist Mad Max "hey girl" memes on "Hey Girl" tumblr. Point taken. Women are strong and this movie supports it, not that I was thinking that at all watching the movie, nor any gender equality statements for that matter. However, when I read the article produced by CNN about men's rights activists boycotting Mad Max, they made men look really bad. The opening paragaph writes

 "A well-known "men's right activist" blog is calling for the boycott of the postapocalyptic film"Mad Max: Fury Road" for being a "feminist piece of propoganda posing as a guy flick." 

Quick search on Google pulled up the full piece titled: Why you should not go see Mad Max: Feminism Road written by Aaron Clarey. Eye balls are rolling around all over. And so are the rhetorical questions: