Let's be frank. I'm a guy. When I heard Mad Max was coming out and saw the trailer for it, there was no way I was going to not see this movie; especially in pursuit of Imax 3D, because let's face it, if this movie was made to be visually appealing as a priority, you don't want to skimp on the cinematic. Suddenly Facebook feed was littered with pro fesminist Mad Max.
It started with the tumblr blog. I rolled my eyes on the pro feminist Mad Max "hey girl" memes on "Hey Girl" tumblr. Point taken. Women are strong and this movie supports it, not that I was thinking that at all watching the movie, nor any gender equality statements for that matter. However, when I read the article produced by CNN about men's rights activists boycotting Mad Max, they made men look really bad. The opening paragaph writes
Quick search on Google pulled up the full piece titled: Why you should not go see Mad Max: Feminism Road written by Aaron Clarey. Eye balls are rolling around all over. And so are the rhetorical questions:
"A well-known "men's right activist" blog is calling for the boycott of the postapocalyptic film"Mad Max: Fury Road" for being a "feminist piece of propoganda posing as a guy flick."